Tuesday, March 10, 2009

nothing to do with busy

My good friend is struggling with posting on his blog.

I can understand.

I think my biggest problem with 'blogging' is that, to me (duh), it feels a lot like busy work.

If I am going to write something, it isn't usually about events which concern the world. I write "stuff that pops into my head" style. So, most of what I write is more personal than political or commercial.

Yes, I think there are problems with and I do make reference to the 'real world' but it's not the focus of my writing.

BUT, in an effort to help my friend out, I will take two minutes out of my BUSY !!!! day and write.

The tops of the trees far above provided a quiet shade to the afternoon. The sun, bright and high kept me warm. I heard the birds and the squirrels and the insects talking to each other not concerned I was there. The big world held me in its womb and I languished in contentment of youth. I knew that people close to my heart couldn't be far away. But they were. As far as could be. Alone with my thoughts of warmth and breathing tree filled air I sat in cool grass.

1 comment:

necrodancer said...

The incredible sounds of traffic droned on as I sat at a near standstill on the freeway. Another job interview. I could not believe she didn't even know Illinois was a state, let alone knowing where it was.

Why some people have jobs while others who are infinitely more qualified don't, I'll never really know.